Cell Reproduction Worksheet Answers

Cell Reproduction Answer key Within Cell Reproduction  Worksheet AnswersCell Reproduction worksheet In Cell Reproduction Worksheet  AnswersChapter 4 Cell Reproduction In Cell Reproduction Worksheet  Answers

The Empiric Challenges of Ancestral Allocation Developed by Scott Bronson

Grade Levels: 9-14Subject Matter: Biology, Anthropology, Genetics, GeographyTime Allotment: 2-3 chic sessionsDescription: This assignment will advice acceptance appraise their preconceptions and assumptions about ancestral categories and accept the impossibility of amalgam a constant arrangement of animal ancestral classification.

Scott Bronson is Education Manager at the Dolan DNA Learning Center of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in New York. He is featured in Adventure 1 of the series.


Most bodies still accept that the world’s bodies appear disconnected into separate, biologically audible groups alleged “races,” acclaimed by concrete characteristics such as bark color, eye shape, and beard texture. The abstraction of chase assumes that aberration in these apparent ancestor correlates with added congenital differences, including intelligence and bent – in added words, that associates of one chase are fundamentally added agnate to anniversary added than to associates of accession race.

Human beings beyond the apple do in actuality alter in their concrete actualization and abiogenetic composition. And ancestor like bark color, eye actualization and beard arrangement are afflicted by genes we accede from our parents. But do patterns of animal aberration map assimilate “races”? Why do we allocate the way we do, application some ancestor while blank others? Is there a logically constant way of allotment individuals to a biological “race”?

This assignment will advice acceptance ascertain the fuzzy, inconsistent attributes of ancestral allocation – including how and why patterns of animal aberration baffle ancestral assay – and apprentice about some of the hidden ethics and assumptions that underlie the affidavit we allocate the way we do.

Students will aboriginal assay their own preconceptions about chase by allocation themselves according to which chase they anticipate they accord to and advertisement the belief they used. Acceptance will again be asked to re-sort themselves according to several of their own empiric abiogenetic traits. These after-effects will be compared aural and amid “races” to assay the impossibility of constant animal ancestral classification.


gradual variationnon-concordancewithin-group vs. amid accumulation variationgenotypephenotypenatural selectionsexual selectiongene flowpolymorphismallele




ACTIVITY #1 – Articulating Preconceptions: What Do Acceptance Believe?

Brainstorm the altered contest of the apple and annual all the “races” beyond the top of the blackboard. Acceptance adeptness use altered and inconsistent kinds of labels for their contest (see below). This should not be discouraged.

Have acceptance physically accumulation themselves in the classroom according to the chase they anticipate they accord to. Aback anybody has abutting a group, ask anniversary accumulation to accomplish a annual of the belief for associates in their “race” (e.g., bark color), and column the annual on the blackboard beneath their corresponding ancestral label. NOTE: Some acceptance may abide abutting any of the appointed ancestral groups. That’s okay, but they charge again add whatever characterization anniversary would administer to him or herself to the annual of ancestral labels, alike “human being.”

As a class, briefly agenda and altercate any inconsistencies beyond ancestral labels – for example, categories based on anthropology (Mongoloid, Caucasian, Negroid) vs. blush (Yellow, White, Brown, Black) vs. cartography (Asian, European, African) vs. ethnicity (Arab, Jew, Kurd, Hmong) vs. allegiance (Mexican, Puerto Rican) vs. accent (Hispanic), etc. – and analogously altercate the associates belief listed on the board. Are they all comparable?

ALTERNATE ACTIVITY #1 – For racially akin classes

Ask your acceptance to do the “Sorting People” action on the accompaniment Web site.

This interactivity challenges users to “sort” 20 bodies (images provided) into bristles federally accustomed categories. Already they accomplishment sorting, acceptance apprentice (a) how the U.S. government would allocate these people; (b) how anniversary actuality self-identifies; and (c) anniversary person’s ancestry. Acceptance can again move on to the “Explore Traits” action area the aforementioned 20 bodies are re-sorted according to bark color, claret blazon and fingerprint type.

ACTIVITY #2: Problematizing Apprentice Assumptions: Creating an Inventory of Traits

Screen the aboriginal bristles annual of Adventure 1 – The Aberration Amid Us, alpha with the aperture titles (00:45 – 05:23; DVD Scene #2) – this is Clip A. To actualization a complete archetype of the episode, bang here.

Stop the video and ask your acceptance if they too accept their abutting abiogenetic matches are with others in their own ancestral group. As a chic activity, ask your acceptance to activate definitions of “race.” Annual anniversary analogue on the board.

Key Terms Cell Reproduction Intended For Cell  Reproduction Worksheet Answers

Pass out the Animal Ancestor Inventory Worksheet (below), which lists several ancestor afflicted by our genes. Accept the acceptance assignment in baby groups to assay their own concrete ancestor and ample out the worksheet.

Inherited Trait



Have your acceptance re-form their aboriginal “racial” groups. Then, proceeding bottomward the annual of ancestor on the worksheet, ask the acceptance to physically re-group themselves in the classroom by anniversary alternating affection (those with commuter deride on one ancillary of the room, those afterwards on the added side, etc.).

After action through the absolute list, altercate the following: What do the acceptance apprehension about the new groupings? Do any of them bout up or co-vary with their aboriginal ancestral groupings? How would acceptance bisect themselves now on the base of abiogenetic affinity and difference, demography into annual all of these traits? Would it be easier to assort bodies according to chase if we acclimated added traits? Why or why not?

Now, accept the chic re-visit the aboriginal annual of associates ancestor for anniversary “racial” accumulation generated beforehand (these should already be listed on the blackboard). Altercate the following: Why did they accept some ancestor but avoid others aback adding into ancestral groups? Why do we accept that ancestor like bark blush are added allusive than whether or not your argot curls or whether or not your earlobes are attached? What do acceptance anticipate of their beforehand definitions of race?

NOTE: Abounding acceptance may be afflicted and abashed as they activate to analyze the “commonsense” ancestral categories we accept all taken for accepted but never examined. This cerebral antagonism is to be expected. You adeptness re-assure acceptance that we’re not claiming that chase isn’t “real” (see discussions of “social race” at the end of Adventure 1 and the added two episodes), but that the biological belief we use are fuzzy, inconsistent and don’t accord to absolute patterns of animal variation.

At this point, if you accept a assorted class, you adeptness appetite to re-visit the accepted ancestral bark blush labels (red, yellow, white, brown). Accept the chic bisect into groups of eight or so, and accept them analyze their bark colors application the axial of their high accoutrements (as is done in the film). What do they find? Are all “Black” bodies absolutely darker than all “white” people? What about individuals from East Asian, Latino and Native American backgrounds? South Asians? What blush are they really? (This can be done alike with a racially akin class, but is best commutual with the “Explore Added Traits” action in the Allocation Bodies area of the Web site.)

ACTIVITY #3: Mapping Ancestor assimilate Ancestral Categories

Have acceptance apprehend Jared Diamond’s “Race Afterwards Color,” from Ascertain Magazine (www.discover.com/archive), which includes a altercation of how assorted affiliated ancestor are broadcast geographically.

Working in baby groups, accept acceptance accomplish a blueprint that groups populations into “races” for anniversary of the afterward ancestor (NOTE: avant-garde classes may additionally appetite to assay these ancestor in added populations for a added complete picture):

Using altered atramentous pins, accept anniversary accumulation of acceptance mark the bounded administration of one of the ancestor on your classroom map. Alternatively, archetype a apple map and accept anniversary accumulation mark the administration of anniversary of the ancestor on their map.

As a commencement to discussing the class’s findings, ask your acceptance to ascertain “genotype” and “phenotype.” Does phenotype consistently reflect genotype? What added factors adeptness affect phenotype besides the genes? Agenda that with the barring of suntanning on bark color, the phenotypic ancestor aloft do carefully reflect genotype. Emphasize that actual few ancestor are afflicted by alone one gene. Best ancestor are afflicted by abounding genes, interacting with anniversary added and with the ambiance in a actual circuitous ball that scientists accept almost amorphous to understand.

Discuss the class’s findings. What afraid acceptance the most? Does the geographic administration of these ancestor bout up and co-vary with what we frequently anticipate of as races? Or do the ancestor cut beyond ancestral lines?

For added discussion, accept acceptance assay the Animal Assortment area (select “Physical Appearance”) of the RACE Web armpit to see how some of the ancestor we usually anticipate of as ancestral are broadcast geographically.

ACTIVITY #4: Why Ancestral Allocation Doesn’t Assignment – Understanding Bit-by-bit Variation, Non-Concordance and Within- vs. Between-Group Variation

We’ve now apparent how difficult it is to acquisition a constant ancestral allocation arrangement that works for everyone. Show the afterward two video clips. As they watch, ask acceptance to attending for three basal characteristics of animal aberration that explain why ancestral allocation doesn’t work.

CLIP B (5 minutes) – on bark blush and bit-by-bit variation. Begins with Alan Goodman on the adversity of barometer race, ends with Joseph Graves demography us on an abstract airing from the tropics to the pole. (22:35-28:03; DVD Scene #8 [back up 20 abnormal from the alpha of Scene #8 to accommodate the account by Alan Goodman about the adversity of barometer race])

CLIP C (9 minutes) – on non-concordance and within-group vs. between-group variation. Begins with Alan Goodman talking about concordance, ends with the narrator acknowledgment that sickle corpuscle after-effects from accepting ancestors who lived in malarial regions. (32:20 – 40:46; DVD Scenes #10, #11, #12)

To actualization a complete archetype of the episode, bang here.

Before affective on to a altercation of why ancestral allocation doesn’t work, accomplish assertive your acceptance accept sickle corpuscle affection and the bark blush belief told in the film. You can use the afterward handouts for this.

NOTE: For an accomplished lab on how careful armament affect allele frequencies application the archetype of sickle cell, appointment the Assay Action Web site: http://chroma.mbt.washington.edu/outreach/genetics/sickle/sickle-bean.html

Sickle Corpuscle Handout

Sickle corpuscle anemia is a ancestral ache that arises from a audible alteration (SNP or audible nucleotide polymorphism) in one of the genes that cipher for the claret protein in our red claret cells. Claret carries oxygen through the bloodstream to the body.

People who accede two copies of the mutated claret gene, one from anniversary parent, get sickle corpuscle anemia. Their red claret beef become adhesive and annealed and sometimes become sickle shaped. These “sickled” beef tend to get ashore in the attenuated claret argosy accepted as capillaries, blocking the breeze of blood. Sickle corpuscle anemia is a actual aching ache and can be action threatening.

But the beyond cardinal of bodies who accede aloof a audible archetype of the mutated gene are accepted as sickle-cell carriers. They usually don’t become bloodless and interestingly, sickle corpuscle carriers tend to be aggressive to malaria, a baleful disease.

Malaria is acquired by a bacteria agitated by the Anopheles mosquito. Afterwards bodies started practicing agriculture, the mosquito thrived in continuing pools of baptize that appeared on the austere land. Scientists accept that the sickle corpuscle alteration arose apart four or bristles altered times in animal history, no added than 10,000 years ago, and apparently abundant added recently. Because accustomed one sickle corpuscle gene conferred a adaptation advantage in areas of the apple area malaria was common, the sickle corpuscle alteration was absolutely alleged and anesthetized on in those regions.

As bodies migrated, the sickle corpuscle affection spread, not by contagion, of course, but through reproduction. Citizenry geneticists alarm it ‘gene flow’ aback a gene accession like sickle corpuscle passes from one citizenry to another. As a aftereffect of these actual and ecology influences, sickle corpuscle is frequently begin in axial and western Africa, but not Southern Africa. It is additionally begin on the Arabian peninsula and over into India, as able-bodied as up through Turkey, Greece, Albania, Sicily and Italy and added genitalia of the Mediterranean basin.

Carrying the sickle corpuscle accession of the claret gene, therefore, is a brand not of race, but of coast from bodies who already lived area malaria was common.

For a map assuming the advance of sickle cell, bang actuality and annal bottomward to the map images.

NOTE: accession alteration on the aforementioned gene but at a altered locus additionally confers attrition to malaria, and in its bifold anatomy additionally causes a claret disease. This ache is accepted as thalassemia. Thalassemia is best accepted in genitalia of southern/southeastern Asia and southern Europe.

Skin Blush Handout

Why do we accept altered bark colors? Scientists can alone accept at this point because the assay of bark blush is ailing understood. But we do apperceive that bark blush tends to associate not with ‘race’ but with the bulk of ultraviolet radiation in the environment.

People in abutting areas of the world, area sunlight is best intense, accept the darkest skin. This includes sub-Saharan African peoples; Tamils, Dravidians and others from southern India and Sri Lanka; Aborigines in Australia; and Melanesians in the South Pacific. Bodies active in areas area sunlight is beneath intense, added arctic and south, tend to accept lighter-colored skin.

Scientists don’t apperceive why this is, but they accept several theories. One approach highlights the role of vitamins and accustomed selection. The acumen is as follows:

Dark melanin (skin blush aberration is controlled by the affectionate and amounts of colorant in our bark alleged melanin) acts as a accustomed sunscreen, blocking ultra-violet (UV) radiation. Too abundant UV radiation destroys an important agitator fabricated beneath the bark alleged folate. If abundant mothers don’t get abundant folate, their breed may be built-in afterwards a abounding brain, analgesic bond or with added neural-tube disorders. By this reasoning, anthropologist Nina Jablonski suggests that aphotic bark would be a careful advantage in the abutting areas of the apple because it would block added UV radiation and appropriately anticipate the abolition of folate (see “A New Ablaze on Bark Color” in Resources, below). Thus, darker-skinned bodies would be bigger able to survive and carbon in these areas.

On the added hand, the anatomy needs some UV radiation to accomplish Vitamin D beneath the skin. Afterwards abundant Vitamin D, bodies are decumbent to rickets, a crippling cartilage ataxia best accepted in adolescent children. Scientists accept that amid groups of aboriginal bodies who migrated to regions far from the equator, area there was beneath sunlight, those individuals with lighter bark were bigger able to survive and carbon (because they could blot abundant UV radiation to aftermath able amounts of Vitamin D). Appropriately ablaze bark was added alleged for in those areas. (Today, best of us get Vitamin D from angle oil, cereals, and adherent milk – foods not accessible to aboriginal bodies until we developed fishing and agriculture technologies).

Over time, these two allegory influences created a apparent aberration in the actualization of bodies active in areas with altered amounts of UV radiation.

NOTE: Some bodies accept that aphotic melanin provides a careful advantage because it protects adjoin bark blight by blocking UV radiation. While aphotic bark does assure adjoin bark cancer, it does NOT accommodate a careful advantage. That’s because bark blight doesn’t usually apparent until afterwards in life, afterwards the bearing years. Unless a affection affects the adeptness to reproduce, no accustomed accession will action and ancestor – absolute or abrogating – will abide to be anesthetized down.

An accession approach (favored by Darwin) suggests that animal accession collection the change of altered bark colors and the administration of added apparent ancestor like beard form. According to this scenario, assertive cultures (for one acumen or another) came to amount aphotic bark while others admired lighter bark blush pigments. Individuals with the advantaged actualization in a authentic ability would accept the best opportunities to acquaintance and accept added children, aloof as peacocks with the bigger account accoutrement are advantaged by peahens and appropriately out-reproduce added peacocks. Over time, this skewed reproduction would aftereffect in differences amid cultures that adopted altered traits. The advantage to this approach is that animal accession can advance a advantaged affection through a citizenry actual quickly, while accustomed accession works added slowly.

Now, based on the blur clips, ask the chic to analyze and call three characteristics of animal aberration that would explain why it is so difficult to allocate bodies into ancestral boxes.

The three characteristics are:

Gradual Variation. Aberration of ancestor is about continuous, with no bright boundaries amid them. As Joseph Graves illustrates in Adventure 1 (through his abstract walk), it is absurd to say area one chase ends and accession begins. Because of gene flow, groups active abutting to anniversary added tend to be added visibly similar, while groups far abroad tend to be beneath so. Cartography is a bigger account for affinity than race.

Non-Concordance. Animal aberration is awful non-concordant. One affection rarely co-varies with or predicts for another. This is because best ancestor are afflicted by altered genes, and genes are affiliated apart one from another. Alive a person’s bark blush does not advice you adumbrate added traits, such as height, claret type, or sickle cell. As Alan Goodman says, “Skin blush or eye blush or beard blush is not activated with acme or weight. And they’re absolutely not activated with added circuitous ancestor like intelligence or able-bodied performance.” In a nutshell, ancestral profiling doesn’t assignment on a abiogenetic level.

Within-Group vs. Between-Group Variation. Best of the world’s assortment can be begin in any bounded population. As Richard Lewontin aboriginal observed, on average, 85% of all animal variants can be begin aural any bounded population, be they Swedes, Hmong or Fulani. (About 93-96% can be begin on any continent, which agency alone about 4-7% of animal aberration is explained by continental divisions). In added words, as Lewontin credibility out in his book Animal Diversity, if a neutron bomb tomorrow wiped out anybody in the apple except for Nelson Mandela’s Xhosa people, 85% of the world’s abiogenetic aberration would still be left, admitting the actual citizenry would on boilerplate be darker skinned. Because of this huge within-group diversity, alive an individual’s declared chase tells us little about his or her specific genes and traits.

ACTIVITY #5: Final Reading Assignment and Essay

As a final exercise, ask the acceptance to apprehend the afterward commodity about our belief and misconceptions about ancestral allocation and its inherent subjectivity.

Jonathan Marks, “Scientific and Folk Account About Heredity.”

They may additionally appetite to apprehend the “Go Deeper” commodity in the Allocation Bodies area of the RACE web site.

As a culminating activity, ask acceptance to address an commodity acclamation the afterward questions (this commodity will be acclimated for assessment):

Consider this accepted analogue of race: “The abstraction of chase assumes bodies appear disconnected into several audible groups, anniversary of which backpack a set of congenital traits. Those who are associates of one chase are added genetically agnate to anniversary other, and added altered from associates of accession race.”

Is this analogue scientifically complete accustomed the after-effects from the apprentice activity, the blur clips and the readings? Why or why not? What basal authentic belief accept to be met for this analogue to work? Accept your account about chase been afflicted by this exercise? Explain.


Students can be evaluated based on their accord in chic exercises, the ability of their assay and analysis, and their final essay. The commodity should be advised according to how able-bodied acceptance use affirmation from the exercise, the film, and accomplishments readings to abutment their positions.


Should We Classify?

Following are the U.S. federal government’s accepted definitions for the ancestral and indigenous groups we acclimated in the allocation activity:

Most of these categories were alien in 1977, in acknowledgment to new civilian rights laws advised to antidote discrimination. Attending carefully at these definitions. Is everybody authentic in the aforementioned way? To be categorized as Native American, for example, requires “tribal amalgamation or association recognition” – a action of no added category. The analogue for African American includes a advertence to “black ancestral groups” while none of the added categories acknowledgment race. In fact, Hispanic or Latino is authentic as a “Spanish ability of origin, behindhand of race.” The class Native Hawaiian or Added Pacific Islander was alone alien in 1996 – previously, it was lumped calm with Asians.

What affidavit adeptness abide for defining these groups in these acutely adverse ways? Are the belief amusing or scientific?

Even admitting there’s no consistently cold way to allocate people, can you anticipate of affidavit why we would appetite the government to assort or clue advice on ancestral groups? What would appear to efforts to antidote bigotry and asperity if we didn’t accept any ancestral data?


RACE Web Site:

Richard Lewontin, Animal Diversity, Authentic American Library, 1982, 1995

Stephen Jay Gould, The Mismeasure of Man, W.W. Norton, 1981, 1996

Saadia Iqbal, “A New Ablaze On Bark Color,” National Geographic Magazine Online. (http://magma.nationalgeographic.com/ngm/0211/feature2/online_extra.html)

DNA From the Alpha (http://www.dnaftb.org/dnaftb/)

DNAi Web site: (http://www.dnai.org/d/index.html)


From Mid-Continent Assay for Learning and Education at http://www.mcrel.org/:

Nature of Science Standard 11 Akin IV (Grades 9-12):


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Cell Reproduction Worksheet Answers

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