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Oct 07, 2021 (Marijuana Stocks via COMTEX) — AbbVie's RINVOQ(R) (upadacitinib) Met Primary and All Ranked Accessory Endpoints in Appearance 3 Abstraction in Ankylosing Spondylitis

AbbVie (NYSE: ABBV) today appear complete top-line after-effects from the aboriginal of two studies of the Appearance 3 SELECT-AXIS 2 analytic balloon evaluating the adeptness and assurance of RINVOQ(R) (upadacitinib; 15 mg, already daily) in patients with alive ankylosing spondylitis (AS) who had an bare acknowledgment to biologic DMARD therapy. In this study, RINVOQ met its primary endpoint of Appraisal in SpondyloArthritis International Society (ASAS) 40 acknowledgment and all ranked accessory endpoints at anniversary 14.1 Decidedly added RINVOQ-treated patients accomplished ASAS40 acknowledgment at anniversary 14 compared to placebo (45 percent against 18 percent; p<0.0001).1

The after-effects of SELECT-AXIS 1, a Appearance 2/3 abstraction in developed patients with ankylosing spondylitis who were aboveboard to bDMARDs and had an bare acknowledgment or bent to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), were acclimated to abutment the European Commission approval of RINVOQ for the assay of alive ankylosing spondylitis in January 2021.6

AbbVie will additionally advertise the complete after-effects of the additional abstraction of SELECT-AXIS 2 in adults with non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis (nr-axSpA) after today.1

"Ankylosing spondylitis is a debilitating ache that can account astringent pain, stiffness, belted advancement and abiding structural accident impacting patients' accustomed life," said Michael Severino, M.D., carnality administrator and president, AbbVie. "AbbVie is committed to convalescent standards of affliction for patients with arthritic diseases. We are encouraged by these after-effects that appearance RINVOQ was able to accommodate cogent improvements in signs and symptoms, as able-bodied as added measures of ache activity, for patients alive with ankylosing spondylitis who accept already bootless assay with a biologic."

Treatment with RINVOQ resulted in statistically cogent reductions in signs and affection of AS, including aback affliction and inflammation, as able-bodied as improvements in concrete activity and ache activity at anniversary 14.1 Decidedly added patients advised with RINVOQ accomplished Ankylosing Spondylitis Ache Activity Account (ASDAS) Low Ache Activity compared to those advised with placebo (44 percent against 10 percent).1 A statistically decidedly greater advance in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Spondyloarthritis Assay Consortium of Canada (SPARCC) Account (Spine) as abstinent by beggarly change from baseline was appear in the RINVOQ accumulation against the placebo accumulation (-3.95 against -0.04).1 Patients on RINVOQ accomplished a decidedly greater beggarly abatement from baseline in Patient's Appraisal of Absolute Aback Affliction at anniversary 14 than those on placebo (-3.00 against -1.47).1 Additionally, patients advised with RINVOQ accomplished decidedly greater advance in concrete activity as adjourned by beggarly change from baseline in Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Anatomic Index (BASFI) compared to patients on placebo (-2.26 against -1.09).1 All ranked accessory endpoints accomplished p-values of <0.0001 against placebo.1

SELECT-AXIS 2 (Study 1) Adeptness After-effects at Anniversary 14*,1

RINVOQ 15 mg, already daily




Percent of Patients accomplishing ASAS40a



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Percent of Patients accomplishing ASDAS Low Ache Activityb



Mean Change from Baseline in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) SPARCC Account (Spine)c



Mean Change from Baseline in Patient's Appraisal of Absolute Aback Paind



Mean Change from Baseline in BASFIe



*Primary and ranked accessory endpoints at Anniversary 14. Not all ranked accessory endpoints are shown. All primary and ranked accessory endpoints accomplished p-values of <0.0001 against placebo.

a ASAS 40 is authentic as a greater-than or according to40 percent advance and an complete advance of greater-than or according to2 units (on a calibration of 0 to 10) from Baseline in at atomic 3 of the 4 domains (patient's all-around assessment, aback pain, function, and inflammation) with no deepening at all in the absolute domain.

b ASDAS Low Ache Activity is authentic as ASDAS account <2.1. c SPARCC array for aback are affected by abacus up the angled outcomes from evaluations of the presence, depth, and acuteness of cartilage bottom edema lesions of the spine. d Aback Affliction is abstinent application 0 – 10 after appraisement calibration (NRS) for Absolute Aback Affliction (0 = no affliction and 10 = astringent pain). e BASFI is a accurate patient-reported aftereffect (PRO) apparatus for use in the AS accommodating population. It consists of 10 items abstinent on a 0 to 10 NRS, which assesses the adeptness to accomplish activities accepted to be ambiguous to AS patients such as dressing, bending, reaching, turning, and aggressive steps. The absolute array ambit from 0 to 10. "Ankylosing spondylitis can accept a abstruse appulse on patients and acutely absolute their adeptness to accomplish circadian tasks," said Filip Van den Bosch, SELECT-AXIS 2 investigator and assistant in the Department of Rheumatology at the University Hospital of Ghent University. "There is a abundant charge for able assay options for patients with an bare acknowledgment to biologic DMARDs. These auspicious abstraction after-effects added authenticate RINVOQ has the abeyant to appulse the absolute assay archetype for patients with ankylosing spondylitis." Assurance abstracts were constant with SELECT-AXIS 1, antecedent Appearance 3 studies in added indications, and the accepted assurance contour of RINVOQ, with no new risks identified.1-6 Through anniversary 14, the best accepted adverse contest (greater-than or according to3 percent of patients) for RINVOQ were COVID-19 and headache.1 The admeasurement of patients with adverse contest arch to discontinuation, austere adverse contest and austere infections were 0 percent/2.8 percent/2.4 percent for RINVOQ and 1.4 percent/0.5 percent/0 percent for placebo, respectively.1 Austere infections included four contest of COVID-19 and one of uveitis with RINVOQ; two patients on RINVOQ developed non-serious, balmy or abstinent canker zoster bound to one dermatome.1 One accommodating advised with placebo developed a blight (tonsil cancer).1 No adjudicated above adverse cardiovascular events, venous thromboembolic contest or deaths were appear in either accumulation through anniversary 14.1 Abounding after-effects from the SELECT-AXIS-2 balloon will be presented at a approaching medical affair and submitted for advertisement in a peer-reviewed journal. About SELECT-AXIS 2 – Abstraction 11,7 SELECT-AXIS 2 was conducted as a adept abstraction acceding that contains two standalone studies with randomization, abstracts collection, assay and advertisement conducted independently. The Appearance 3, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind studies are evaluating the adeptness and assurance of RINVOQ compared with placebo on abridgement of signs and affection in developed participants with alive axSpA including bDMARD-IR AS (Study 1) and nr-axSpA (Study 2). Abstraction 1 enrolled 420 who were randomized to accept RINVOQ for 104 weeks or placebo for 14 weeks followed by RINVOQ for 90 weeks. Added advice on this balloon can be begin at www.clinicaltrials.gov (NCT04169373). About Axial Spondyloarthritis (axSpA) Axial spondyloarthritis is a abiding anarchic ache that affects the spine, causing aback pain, bound mobility, and structural damage.8 It consists of two subsets that accept been clinically authentic as ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis (nr-axSpA).8 In ankylosing spondylitis, patients accept absolute structural accident of the sacroiliac joints arresting on x-rays.8 Non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis is clinically authentic by the absence of absolute x-ray affirmation of structural accident to the sacroiliac (SI) collective by apparent x-ray.8 About RINVOQ(R) (upadacitinib) Discovered and developed by AbbVie scientists, RINVOQ is a careful and capricious JAK inhibitor that is actuality advised in several immune-mediated anarchic diseases.1,6,7,9-15 In animal cellular assays, RINVOQ preferentially inhibits signaling by JAK1 or JAK1/3 with anatomic selectivity over cytokine receptors that arresting via pairs of JAK2.6 RINVOQ is accustomed by the European Commission for adults (15 mg and 30 mg) and adolescents (15 mg) with abstinent to astringent atopic dermatitis. RINVOQ 15 mg is accustomed by the European Commission for adults with abstinent to astringent alive rheumatoid arthritis, adults with alive psoriatic arthritis and adults with alive ankylosing spondylitis. RINVOQ 15 mg is additionally accustomed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for adults with moderately to acutely alive rheumatoid arthritis. Appearance 3 trials of RINVOQ in rheumatoid arthritis, atopic dermatitis, psoriatic arthritis, axial spondyloarthritis, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, behemothic corpuscle arteritis and Takayasu arteritis are ongoing.9-15 Use of RINVOQ in non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis is not accustomed and its assurance and adeptness accept not been accustomed by authoritative authorities. EU Break and Important Assurance Advice About RINVOQ(R) (upadacitinib)6 Rheumatoid arthritis RINVOQ is adumbrated for the assay of abstinent to astringent alive rheumatoid arthritis in developed patients who accept responded clumsily to, or who are antipathetic to one or added disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs). RINVOQ may be acclimated as monotherapy or in aggregate with methotrexate. Psoriatic arthritis RINVOQ is adumbrated for the assay of alive psoriatic arthritis in developed patients who accept responded clumsily to, or who are antipathetic to one or added DMARDs. RINVOQ may be acclimated as monotherapy or in aggregate with methotrexate. Ankylosing spondylitis RINVOQ is adumbrated for the assay of alive ankylosing spondylitis in developed patients who accept responded clumsily to accepted therapy. Atopic dermatitis RINVOQ is adumbrated for the assay of abstinent to astringent atopic dermatitis in adults and adolescents 12 years and earlier who are candidates for systemic therapy. Contraindications RINVOQ is contraindicated in patients acute to the alive actuality or to any of the excipients, in patients with alive tuberculosis (TB) or alive austere infections, in patients with astringent hepatic impairment, and during pregnancy. Special warnings and precautions for use Immunosuppressive alleviative articles Use in aggregate with added almighty immunosuppressants is not recommended. Austere infections Austere and sometimes baleful infections accept been appear in patients accepting upadacitinib. The best accepted austere infections appear included pneumonia and cellulitis. Cases of bacterial meningitis accept been reported. Amid adept infections, TB, multi-dermatomal canker zoster, oral/esophageal candidiasis, and cryptococcosis accept been appear with upadacitinib. As there is a college accident of infections in patients greater-than or according to65 years of age, attention should be acclimated back alleviative this population. Viral reactivation Viral reactivation, including cases of canker zoster, was appear in analytic studies. The accident of canker zoster appears to be college in Japanese patients advised with upadacitinib. Vaccinations The use of live, attenuated vaccines during or anon above-mentioned to assay is not recommended. It is recommended that patients be brought up to date with all immunizations, including antibacterial zoster vaccinations, above-mentioned to initiating upadacitinib, in acceding with accepted immunization guidelines. Blight The accident of malignancies, including lymphoma is added in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Malignancies, including nonmelanoma bark blight (NMSC), accept been appear in patients advised with upadacitinib. Consider the risks and allowances of upadacitinib assay above-mentioned to initiating assay in patients with a accepted blight added than a auspiciously advised NMSC or back because continuing upadacitinib assay in patients who advance a malignancy. Hematological abnormalities Assay should not be initiated, or should be briefly interrupted, in patients with hematological abnormalities empiric during accepted accommodating management. Cardiovascular accident RA patients accept an added accident for cardiovascular disorders. Patients advised with upadacitinib should accept accident factors (e.g., hypertension, hyperlipidemia) managed as allotment of accepted accepted of care. Lipids Upadacitinib assay was associated with dose-dependent increases in lipid parameters, including absolute cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Hepatic transaminase elevations Assay with upadacitinib was associated with an added accident of alarmist agitator acclivity compared to placebo Venous thromboembolisms Contest of abysmal attitude occlusion (DVT) and pulmonary array (PE) accept been appear in patients accepting JAK inhibitors, including upadacitinib. Upadacitinib should be acclimated with attention in patients at aerial accident for DVT/PE. Adverse reactions The best frequently appear adverse reactions in rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and ankylosing spondylitis analytic trials (greater-than or according to2% of patients in at atomic one of the indications) with upadacitinib 15 mg were high respiratory amplitude infections, claret creatine phosphokinase (CPK) increased, alanine transaminase (ALT) increased, bronchitis, nausea, cough, aspartate transaminase (AST) increased, and hypercholesterolemia. The best frequently appear adverse reactions in atopic dermatitis trials (greater-than or according to2% of patients) with upadacitinib 15 mg or 30 mg were high respiratory amplitude infection, acne, canker simplex, headache, CPK increased, cough, folliculitis, belly pain, nausea, neutropenia, pyrexia, and influenza. The best accepted austere adverse reactions were austere infections. The assurance contour of upadacitinib with continued appellation assay was about agnate to the assurance contour during the placebo-controlled aeon beyond indications. Overall, the assurance contour empiric in patients with psoriatic arthritis or alive ankylosing spondylitis advised with upadacitinib 15 mg was constant with the assurance contour empiric in patients with RA. In atopic dermatitis, dose-dependent added risks of infection and canker zoster were empiric with upadacitinib. Based on bound data, there was a college amount of all-embracing adverse reactions with the upadacitinib 30 mg dosage compared to the 15 mg dosage in patients age-old 65 years and older. The assurance contour for upadacitinib 15 mg in adolescents was agnate to that in adults. The assurance and adeptness of the 30 mg dosage in adolescents are still actuality investigated. Dose-dependent changes in ALT added and/or AST added (greater-than or according to 3 x ULN), lipid parameters, CPK ethics (> 5 x ULN), and neutropenia (ANC < 1 x 109 cells/L) associated with upadacitinib assay were agnate to what was empiric in the rheumatologic ache analytic studies.

This is not a complete arbitrary of all assurance information.

See RINVOQ abounding arbitrary of artefact characteristics (SmPC) at www.ema.europa.eu. Globally, prescribing advice varies; accredit to the alone country artefact characterization for complete information.

About AbbVie

AbbVie's mission is to ascertain and bear avant-garde medicines that break austere bloom issues today and abode the medical challenges of tomorrow. We strive to accept a arresting appulse on people's lives beyond several key ameliorative areas: immunology, oncology, neuroscience, eye care, virology, women's bloom and gastroenterology, in accession to articles and casework beyond its Allergan Aesthetics portfolio. For added advice about AbbVie, amuse appointment us at www.abbvie.com. Follow @abbvie on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or Instagram.

Forward-Looking Statements

Some statements in this account absolution are, or may be considered, advanced statements for purposes of the Private Securities Activity Reform Act of 1995. The words "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "project" and agnate expressions, amid others, about analyze advanced statements. AbbVie cautions that these advanced statements are accountable to risks and uncertainties that may account absolute after-effects to alter materially from those adumbrated in the advanced statements. Such risks and uncertainties include, but are not bound to, abortion to apprehend the accepted allowances from AbbVie's accretion of Allergan plc ("Allergan"), abortion to promptly and finer accommodate Allergan's businesses, antagonism from added products, challenges to bookish property, difficulties inherent in the assay and development process, adverse activity or government action, changes to laws and regulations applicative to our industry and the appulse of accessible bloom outbreaks, epidemics or pandemics, such as COVID-19. Additional advice about the economic, competitive, governmental, abstruse and added factors that may affect AbbVie's operations is set alternating in Item 1A, "Risk Factors," of AbbVie's 2020 Annual Report on Form 10-K, which has been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, as adapted by its consecutive Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q. AbbVie undertakes no obligation to absolution about any revisions to advanced statements as a aftereffect of consecutive contest or developments, except as appropriate by law.


AbbVie. Abstracts on File: ABVRRTI73012

Cohen S., et al. Assurance contour of upadacitinib in rheumatoid arthritis: chip assay from the SELECT appearance III analytic programme. Ann Rheum Dis. 2020 Oct 28;80(3):304-11.

Mease, P.J., et al. Upadacitinib in Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis and Bare Acknowledgment to Biologics: 56-Week Abstracts from the Randomized Controlled Appearance 3 SELECT-PsA 2 Study. Rheumatol Ther. 2021 Apr 28. doi: 10.1007/s40744-021-00305-z. Online advanced of print.

Guttman-Yassky E., et al. Once-daily upadacitinib against placebo in adolescents and adults with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis (Measure Up 1 and Measure Up 2): after-effects from two replicate, double-blind, randomized controlled appearance 3 studies. Lancet. doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(21)00588-2.

Van der Heijde, D., et al. Adeptness and assurance of upadacitinib in patients with alive ankylosing spondylitis (SELECT-AXIS 1): a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, appearance 2/3 trial. Lancet. 2019 Dec 7;394(10214):2108-2117. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(19)32534-6. Epub 2019 Nov 12.

RINVOQ [Summary of Artefact Characteristics]. AbbVie Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG; September 2021. Available at: https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/documents/product-information/rinvoq-epar-product-information_en.pdf.

A Abstraction to Evaluate Adeptness and Assurance of Upadacitinib in Developed Participants With Axial Spondyloarthritis (SELECT AXIS 2). ClinicalTrials.gov. 2021. Available at: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04169373. Accessed on October 3, 2021.

Deodhar AA, Understanding Axial Spondyloarthritis: A Primer for Managed Care. Am J Manag Care. 2019;25:S319-S330.

Pipeline – Our Science | AbbVie. AbbVie. 2021. Available at: https://www.abbvie.com/our-science/pipeline.html. Accessed on October 3, 2021.

A Abstraction to Evaluate the Assurance and Adeptness of ABT-494 for Induction and Maintenance Assay in Subjects With Moderately to Acutely Alive Ulcerative Colitis. ClinicalTrials.gov. 2021. Available at: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02819635. Accessed on October 3, 2021.

A Abstraction to Compare Assurance and Adeptness of Upadacitinib to Dupilumab in Developed Participants With Abstinent to Astringent Atopic Dermatitis (Heads Up). ClinicalTrials.gov. 2021. Available at: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03738397. Accessed on October 3, 2021.

A Abstraction of the Adeptness and Assurance of Upadacitinib (ABT-494) in Participants With Moderately to Acutely Alive Ulcerative Colitis (U-ACCOMPLISH). ClinicalTrials.gov. 2021. Available at: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03653026. Accessed on October 3, 2021.

A Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Abstraction of ABT-494 for the Induction of Symptomatic and Endoscopic Remission in Subjects With Moderately to Acutely Alive Crohn's Ache Who Accept Clumsily Responded to or Are Antipathetic to Immunomodulators or Anti-TNF Therapy. ClinicalTrials.gov. 2021. Available at: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02365649. Accessed on October 3, 2021.

A Abstraction to Evaluate the Assurance and Adeptness of Upadacitinib in Participants With Behemothic Corpuscle Arteritis (SELECT-GCA). ClinicalTrials.gov. 2021. Available at: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03725202. Accessed on October 3, 2021.

A Abstraction to Evaluate the Adeptness and Assurance of Upadacitinib in Subjects With Takayasu Arteritis (TAK) (SELECT-TAK). ClinicalTrials.gov. 2021. Available at: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04161898. Accessed on October 3, 2021.

View aboriginal content:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/abbvies-rinvoq-upadacitinib-met-primary-and-all-ranked-secondary-endpoints-in-phase-3-study-in-ankylosing-spondylitis-301395108.html


The column AbbVie Inc. (ABBV) RINVOQ(R) (upadacitinib) Met Primary and All Ranked Accessory Endpoints in Appearance 3 Abstraction appeared aboriginal on Marijuana Stocks | Cannabis Investments and News. Roots of a Budding Industry.(TM).


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The statement which is ready for ascertaining profit of business on the finish of an accounting interval known as an income assertion. The distinction between the totals of debit and credit score columns is transferred to the steadiness sheet column of the worksheet. Debit and credit score balances of ledger accounts are written in the debit and credit columns of the trial balance respectively.

The balance sheet is prepared from the stability sheet columns of the worksheet. That is, unadjusted balances of trial balance are adjusted as per guidelines and these are written down in the column of adjusted trial stability. This trial steadiness is recognized as pre-closing trial steadiness as it’s ready with the ledger balances earlier than keeping accounts of adjustment items. The primary objective of the worksheet is to verify the accuracy of accounting data earlier than the preparation of monetary statements.

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From this, the time period was extended to designate a single, two-dimensional array of data within a computerized spreadsheet program. Common forms of worksheets used in enterprise include financial statements, corresponding to revenue and loss reports. Analysts, investors, and accountants monitor a company’s monetary statements, steadiness sheets, and other data on worksheets. A worksheet is an oblong desk to store data. The worksheets are located in Workbooks or Excel recordsdata. Most of the MS Excel screen is dedicated to the display of the worksheet, which consists of rows and columns.

Having a worksheet template easily accessible may help with furthering studying at house. In order to entry a worksheet, click on the tab that claims Sheet#. In a spreadsheet, the row is the horizontal house that’s going throughout the spreadsheet. The highlighted a part of the following spreadsheet is a row and it’s labeled number 5.

Choose Home → Editing → Find & Select → Find, or press Ctrl+F. Make positive that the “Find and Replace" window is displaying the advanced options . The search course determines which path Excel follows when it's looking.

Dichotomous Key Worksheet Pdf

A cell reference is the name of the cell that’s found by combining the Column Letter with the Row Number. For example the cell in Column “C” in Row “3” can be cell C3. A cell is an oblong space shaped by the intersection of a column and a row.

Data refers to the type of data that can be saved in the cells of a spreadsheet. Spreadsheet knowledge types include values , labels, formulation and capabilities. Worksheet is collection of cells where you can store and manipulate your information , every Excel workbook contains a quantity of worksheets.

Every time you click the Insert Worksheet button, Excel inserts a brand new worksheet after your existing worksheets and assigns it a new name. For example, if you start with the standard Sheet1, Sheet2, and Sheet3 and click on on the Insert Worksheet button, then Excel provides a model new worksheet named—you guessed it—Sheet4. Excel consists of some interesting viewing features that let you look at two totally different worksheets on the identical time, even when these worksheets are in the same workbook. You'll be taught more about custom views in Chapter 7. Click the worksheet tabs on the bottom of Excel's grid window , as shown in Figure 4-3.